Recent Posts by Monika

What’s Making Me Happy this Friday – September 4th – Rocksbox!

By Monday, September 7, 2015 0 Permalink 0

One of my recent obsessions has been podcasts, specifically Pop Culture Happy Hour. At the end of each episode, each panelist goes through and shares what is making them happy this week. The only catch is that the thing that is making them happy has to be something that anyone can enjoy. I’ve decided to create a series on my blog of things that are making me happy each week to share with you all.

The first edition of What’s Making Me Happy This Week is:

Rocksbox Subscription Box

Recent Discovery and Obsession – PODCASTS!

Yes, I'm so late to the party, it's already getting started the next day before I arrive. However, I'm finally on board of the podcast party! All it took was breaking the radio in my car and missing KTCL, KBCO, and NPR on my commutes for this to happen. A few months ago the iDrive on my BMW stopped working. After over 2 months of having my car in and out of the shop (they had difficulties diagnosing the issue, had to order different parts, and Jon and I were traveling etc), and I got sick of driving in silence. (Don't worry, this issue has been ...

Riot Fest 2015

By Tuesday, September 1, 2015 0 Permalink 0

What an amazing weekend of music in Denver! Here’s a recap of some of my highlights from this 3 day festival at the National Western Complex, from great bands, fun after parties, and amazing friends. Thanks Riot Fest for coming back and bringing the Rodeo with you! Already looking forward to Riot Fest 2016!

#UMS2015 is a Wrap!

I cannot believe another Underground Music Showcase (UMS) is behind us. This was quite the year, and I’m so glad I got to see the bands I saw – new, old, familiar, unique – it was all fantastic! The week was a whirlwind, but pretty sure my tweets and videos suffice. Read more to find out where I went, who I saw and what I loved from #UMS2015.

Weekend in New York City ending with the Pride Parade

By Wednesday, July 8, 2015 0 Permalink 0

Last week I spent 10 days roaming around New York City, and it was amazing! Talk about a city that never sleeps! We arrived in the evening on Friday, the day marriage was legalized for everyone, which was the perfect day to step foot into NYC as it was Pride weekend. Read more about my adventures of roaming the city and experiencing the legalization of gay marriage with the NYC pride parade.

KTCL’s Big Gig Top 12 Local Bands #BigGig15

By Thursday, May 28, 2015 0 Permalink 0

KTCL Channel 93.3 was quite sneaky today: they sent out the Big Gig surveys, without any warning!

In years past KTCL has allowed the bands to get people to sign up for the music surveys in order to vote, but they seem to have changed the rules this year! I’d say go sign up now, but I’m not sure you’ll get this survey.

Here’s all of the bands, including the songs they submitted:

Silicon Valley Fashion Week? by Betabrand!

By Monday, May 18, 2015 0 Permalink 0

May 14-17 was the first annual Silicon Valley Fashion Week? (the ? is part of the name) in San Francisco. There was wearable tech, crowdfunded designs and, of course, drones that walked the runway during the 3 night event in the heart of the Mission District.

Not only did Jonathon and I attend, but Jon was asked to walk the runway in his Betabrand design! It was so much fun, and of course I have video!

Weekend Traveling – Eating in Dallas Texas – Coffee, BBQ & Tacos

By Monday, May 11, 2015 0 Permalink 0

One thing I was *really* looking forward to while we were in Dallas, was eating some BBQ! I went the entire week at SXSW without eating any BBQ. It was a shame, I know, but I wasn’t going to let that happen this time! The only thing on Jonathon’s list was tacos. We were only in town for 48 hours, but many of those hours were at night or during the marathon, so we only got in a handful of meals while there, but they were FANTASTIC!

Read more to find out where we had the BEST BBQ and most amazing, delicious and different tacos!

How To Find Hidden Facebook Status Updates On Brand Pages

By Sunday, May 10, 2015 0 Permalink 0

So, you’ve posted a status update to a brand’s Facebook Page. A few days later you’re asked to remove it. You hide the post to comply. Another few days later, they ask you what the engagement on that post you’ve hidden was. How do you find hidden Facebook status update on the Brand Page?

I’ve found the answer that Facebook Forums won’t help you find! It is in the Activity Log, but it isn’t easy to get to on a Facebook Brand Page.