About Me

I’m a lover of concerts and local music, a tech enthusiast and drinker of wine, whiskey and tequila.

I follow the Paleo lifestyle, no longer use shampoo on my hair (was recently featured on Huffington Post Live for it!) and love my coffee with lots of butter (grass-fed of course).

I’m a Senior Account Manager by day working at Large Media – specializing in digital marketing and social media strategy.

I am also the creator of Noiselace, the earplug necklaces, which I started with my mom a few years ago and is really starting to take off.

And the question you are all dying to know, yes, I really did get married after only knowing Jonathon for 23 days.

Note that some of the links on my blog are affiliate or referral links however, unless stated otherwise, I have purchased all products I review on my blog (including Stitch Fix, Wantable boxes and Rocksbox – use code monikarunxoxo).

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