It’s the start of the new year, and there are SO many great opportunities available for Colorado musicians happening right now!
Everyone has the resolution of “New Year, New Me” right? I’ve even seen a few bands say the same thing, so figured I’d write a post about the opportunities that have popped up in the last 5 days. Be warned, that the deadlines for these are fast approaching and there are NO EXCEPTIONS – so apply early and pay attention!
Current Open Applications for Colorado Musicians
SpokesBUZZ’s 2015 SXSW Colorado Music Party
Festival Dates: March 17 – March 21, 2015
Why Apply: You want to be a part of the largest showcase associated with Colorado at SXSW. SpokesBUZZ is putting on 5 days and 5 nights at the 512 Bar (512 6th Street, Austin, TX), dedicated to everything Colorado! There are spots for plenty of Colorado artists, so check out the form and be sure to fill it out to the best of your ability!
Where to Apply: http://bit.ly/copartyapply
Specifications to Apply: Be sure to fill out every question with as much detail as possible!
Deadline to Apply: February 1st
Bohemian Nights
Festival Dates: August 14 – 16, 2015
Why Apply: This free festival in Fort Collins continues to draw amazing crowds and has world renowned headliners year after year. Not a festival to miss.
Where to Apply: http://www.bohemiannights.org/wanna-play.html
Specifications to Apply: Must complete EVERY field in order to be considered for this festival.
Deadline to Apply: February 26, 2015 at 4 p.m. MST
SpokesBUZZ Class of 2016 Applications
Dates of Program: Two year commitment
Why Apply: You want to learn more about how to make it as a musician! SpokesBUZZ only takes in a few bands each year to mentor and teach bands about the business with their Incubator program, and these spots are highly coveted! Learn more about what SpokesBUZZ does on their website.*
Where to Apply: http://bit.ly/spokesbuzzapply
Specifications to Apply: In addition to completing the online application and submitting the requested work samples, artists should plan on scheduling at least one public performance in a major market along the Front Range (Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley or Colorado Springs) between March 9 and April 26, 2016.
Deadline to Apply: February 4th
Deadline has passed for the festivals listed below.
7th Annual FoCoMX 2015 Application
Festival Dates: April 24th and 25th, 2015
Why Apply: This growing festival in Northern Colorado is great for bands of all sizes as they use venues from coffee shops and butcher shops up to Hodi’s and Aggie Theater. Learn more from their Facebook page, or website.
Where to Apply: http://www.focoma.org/focomx-2015/focomx-2015-artist-submission/
Specifications to Apply: You have less than one week, so get the band together tonight and fill this one out!
Deadline to Apply: January 11th
So, schedule that band meeting and get together and fill out these applications this week!
Let this be a warning for you – if you want to be a part of one of the great festivals that take place in Colorado this upcoming season (and there are MANY – UMS, Westword Music Showcase, FoCoMX, Bohemian Nights at New West Fest etc.), be sure you know the application dates and READ ALL OF THE RULES!
What festivals are you looking forward to this 2015 season?
*Yes, I am on the board of SpokesBUZZ and have volunteered with FoCoMX the past few years, so if you have comments, questions, concerns or just want to share some music with me, please feel free to reach out directly! My email is Monika[dot]Runstrom@gmail[dot]com, or send a tweet to @MonikaRun and I’m more than happy to help!!
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