I'm writing this post out of love, I promise. I used to be more discreet when I saw people and brands making this mistake on Twitter by DM'ing or emailing them to tell them what they were doing wrong and how to fix it, but this isn't an easy issue to explain in 140 characters, so I'm writing a blog post to hopefully help everyone out. When working with Aimee on gathering info for FanPlan.info, I opened The Underground Music Showcase's (UMS for short) Twitter account. I noticed that many of their last tweets highlighting bands looked like this: Do you see the issue? They started the ...
Stop Pinning and Start Crafting! Made easy with Whimseybox
Thanks to my mom, I've always had a crafty bone, and every once and awhile I get the itch to create something. I have yarn stashed around the house and am always in the middle of a few projects at any given time. Pinterest makes this much worse, as I always find such great DIY crafts! My problem is that I usually don't have the materials or equipment needed to properly craft! That usually involves a couple hundred dollar trip to Michael's and no where to store all of my crafting supplies after I've been crafty. Then I discovered Whimseybox. (more…)
What 420 Taught Us About Hashtags
This past weekend was not only Easter, but also April 20th, which is commonly referred to as 420. What is the significance of 420? Four-twenty is a code-term that refers to the consumption of cannabis (marijuana) and for many years people come together at 4:20 pm on April 20th to smoke weed together. Since marijuana has been legalized here in Colorado on January 1st, this holiday was expected to be even bigger this year. And that is a feat considering in 2008, the party on University of Colorado's campus was attended by over 10,000 people! So, why am I writing about marijuana on here? No, I'm not ...
How to Stop Facebook Notifications
There used to be a handy little link on Facebook to "mute notifications" for those times you were one of the first to say congratulations to an engagement/baby/wedding/new job or when someone tagged you and their other 100 closest friends on an update etc. Then it was transitioned out for "stop notifications", which did the same thing as mute - it stopped your phone from vibrating for every other comment that happened after yours, leaving everyone able to comment at will and let others know how happy we are for them. Last week it disappeared. This had happened a few times with random Facebook updates, but ...
Most Popular Superbowl Ads 2014 – By Hashtag Mentioned on Twitter #sb48
During the Superbowl this year I had trouble deciding which hashtag to use: #Superbowl of #SB48 and when talking about the commercials do I use #brandbowl or #adbowl and if I use those, do I still add #Superbowl? So many decisions! Luckily the brands that paid for commercials made it easy for me since 40% didn't even include a hashtag with their ads! Although, looking at how many people used the hashtags from the ads that INCLUDED them during the Superbowl, I can see why these companies wouldn't bother to include hashtags. To find out how many people used the hashtags, I used Topsy and analyzed ...
Superbowl Hashtags – What to use for #SB48
Last year I really enjoyed watching all of the Superbowl commercials and how they interacted with social media, specifically Twitter and their use of hashtags. If the Broncos weren't in the Superbowl, I'd be looking forward to just watching the commercials again, but this time I'll also be cheering on the home team! With the game fast approaching, the big question becomes, not who you are rooting for, but what hashtag will you be using? So far I've seen the following in use when people have been tweeting about game: #Superbowl #SB48 #SuperbowlSunday #Broncos #Seahawks #sbxivii #Superbowlxivii (more…)
Oreos and How They Lost the Grammy’s
Despite my hatred of The Grammy's, I still set aside time to watch it once a year. While I knew that Twitter was going to ruin the winners for me, I was still actively tweeting and watching what others were saying. This tweet stood out to me: I suppose I likely got my hopes up thinking that Oreo would have another Superbowl hit, but you never know! Unfortunately I had an hour to wait (this tweet was referring to the Grammy's on the East Coast, and we all know that the Grammy's are tape delayed for the rest of us). (more…)
Talking About Not Using Shampoo on Huffington Post Live
Well that was a trip! I was on Huffington Post Live! I was talking about my experience going No 'Poo! You can watch the whole interview here: So, how did I get on Huffington Post? (more…)
How to Create a Pinterest Map Board
Pinterest just released a cool new feature and collaboration with Foursquare: Mapped Boards. They are pitching it as a great way to plan or pin pictures from a trip you took, but I immediately thought of music. The first board I created? Concert venues in Colorado. Here's how you go about creating a mapped board: When I logged in last night I was prompted to create one with this banner: (more…)
How to Hide Spam Using Tweetdeck
For an event such as #DF13, I expect you will have to periodically add more and more phrases throughout the day, but trust me, this helps keep your stream a bit cleaner so you can follow along just like if you were there at Moscone!