Hard to believe it has already been 90 days since I boarded that plane on November 13th from Denver to NYC, but here we are, celebrating Valentine’s Day in NYC!
Now, it hasn’t been 90 full days in the city, as I went back to Colorado for 10 days in December to wrap up some of the loose ends from our quick move and hang out with some friends that I’d already been missing!
I also just got back from extended working vacation to Mexico. The trip was supposed to only be 10 days long, but quickly turned into 17 thanks to Winter Storm Jonas, which closed down NYC and cancelled my flight home. So technically, I’ve only been living in the city for 63 days, but those days included all major holidays so far – Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentine’s Day.
Everyone has been asking how it is out here, if I’m liking it, how different it is from Boulder and Colorado.
Honestly, a lot of it is the same, and would be no matter where I lived. I mean, I work from home, and generally work from my apartment versus a co-working place or an office, so I still work from an apartment in NYC, this one is just a tad bit smaller than the second bedroom in Boulder. After work is spent making or going to dinner, same as it was in Boulder. However we still haven’t found our T|ACO in NYC, but I expect that will take longer than 60 days! While a lot of my days are “similar” to what they were, there is plenty that is different.
Transportation – Cars, Subway and Walking
The biggest change so far has to be not having a car. I’ve had a car ever since I could drive, and I just purchased a new car about 3 months before we moved – talk about timing!
Without a car, I walk a LOT more as most of what I need is located within just a few blocks of my apartment. Whatever I need outside of the neighborhood, can be found via the Subway – as long as I figure out what direction is the right one. Considering I get lost and turn the wrong direction about every time I leave my apartment, it isn’t surprising that the Subway confuses me. Where are the mountains when I need them??
Trips to Ikea
Trips to Ikea are more difficult without a car to haul all of your stuff home in. Just take a look at the Subaru, which was stuffed to the gills with our last Ikea trip in Colorado:
However, transportation to the Ikea in Brooklyn is more fun, as you get to take a FREE ferry there with views of the city, and even Lady Liberty herself:
Luckily we had all of the big furniture moved professionally, so our trip to Brooklyn only required a few big blue bags from Ikea to take on the ferry home.
Ikea isn’t the only shopping that’s a bit harder here. Some of that is due to my transportation restrictions, zoning, and me just taking the time to learn the city but everything from liquor stores, to Target, to online shopping, is all a bit harder here.
I miss Hazel’s in Boulder! Just last weekend I found a store that sells cider that I enjoy, but it’s been a long search for it! Luckily I found a great local place for wine, but sometimes I want a bit of variety in my life.
I also miss going to Target. They have EVERYTHING there! I’ve yet to find a bodega that has my mascara, hair ties, soap, toilet paper, sunglasses, swim suits, purses, clothes I didn’t know I needed, new gadgets for the kitchen etc. Granted I used to spend to *much* at Target, it was more fun than always shopping online at Amazon!
My Places
One thing I am really struggling with, is finding “My” places. From finding a nail salon that does the nails like I like them, to a hair salon that will dye my hair the same color purple, to a coffee shop that offers wifi, allows laptops and has good coffee, to a place that felt as much like home as T|ACO, I still haven’t quite found the ones. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been fun going to different coffee shops, and picking new restaurants every day, but I do miss those places that just feel like home. Not to mention, the trial and error can be a bit expensive!
Pop-ups and Holidays in NYC
While there are some things that take getting used to, it has also been a lot of fun to experience random events that are only available in the city, spending the holidays here has also been really special.
We spent the days leading up to Christmas trying out the pop-up Christmas bars like Sippin’ Santa’s Surf Shack at Boilermaker and Menorah Man at Mace sippin’ drinks like Sexy Santa and The Grinch.
On Christmas day we took a trip up to The Campbell Apartment above Grand Central – which was the first time it had ever been open on Christmas day!
Since moving, Jonathon and I decided to take advantage of these NYC pop-up events, and we’ve already been to a few fun ones in the past month. But, more on the those pop-up events later – gotta save something for more NYC posts!
Colorado Friends and Family
I’ve already been lucky to spend so much time with my friends and family back in Colorado since I moved, but I’ve been even luckier to use technology to keep in touch. I’ve spent countless hours on the phone, calling, texting and video chatting with friends back home, not even including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram! Holidays are spent FaceTiming:
Not only that, but I’m lucky enough to be on the board of SpokesBUZZ who has implemented video calls for our monthly meetings (allowing me to attend from Mexico):
All in all, I’m having a great time in NYC and am excited to keep exploring this new city of mine – and can’t wait for you all to come and visit me!
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