My New Favorite, Most Used App Of The Moment

By Friday, April 22, 2011 9 Permalink 0

is Postagram! They just launched last week, so of course I immediately signed up. What better product to bridge my love of taking Instagram photos with sharing those photos with loved ones? Now I can not only share the Instagram photos with all of closest internet friends, but I can sent postcards to my favorite Luddites as well! Postagram just makes it so easy (and cheap) to send a postcard. (more…)

Gilt Sale: Flip Camera!

By Wednesday, April 13, 2011 0 Permalink 0

So yesterday Cisco announced that it was killing the Flip camera. Today Gilt Groupe is having a huge sale on Flip cameras! I own a Flip, and I have not been impressed with it whatsoever. It is kind of big, bulky and even though I have the HD version, the video and audio quality are not as good as my iPhone. The audio is especially bad at concerts, which seems to be where I take most of my video these days. If you were upset when you learned that Flip was dying, here is one more chance to go grab one before they become obsolete!

The Story Behind ‘SativaBella’

By Wednesday, April 6, 2011 5 Permalink 0

Recently I have been asked by more and more people how I came up with the Twitter name 'SativaBella' so I figured I would share the story with everyone. It is no secret that I LOVE puppies (any dog I meet is a puppy, so this includes dogs of all ages). In October, 2007 I fell in love with this puppy, who was in the window of a pet store (yes I know, I should have adopted/gone to humane society etc, but I didn't - you can give me grief about that later): I just could not resist this little wiry furball. She was a Shiba Inu mixed with ...

Google adds their own ‘like’ button to searches Google +1

By Wednesday, March 30, 2011 0 Permalink 0

Google just added their own version of a 'like' to search results: Google +1. It is currently accessible via an opt-in experiment. After the experiment is turned on, you have a '+1' button next to search results. When you click +1 you get this pop up: Here is how it appears on my search after I have '+1'd' the result. Not sure how it will appear to you or my friends (or whatever term Google calls friends, followers, fans etc): At first I was a bit skeptical about the social sharing that Google implemented a few months ago, but I really like seeing what people have shared on Twitter ...

Oops… I got a parking ticket

By Wednesday, February 16, 2011 0 Permalink 0

I am currently trying to get my life in order and organized and unfortunately part of that process is paying bills and past due parking tickets. I have no idea where the actual tickets are, so I found the Boulder Parking website and tried to enter my license plate number hoping it would pull up my ticket(s) (yes there was more than one). But without the citation number, this is as far as I could get: So I did what anyone (in Boulder) would do. I tweeted: The only response I received (besides some retweets) was from Boulder Parking: But unfortunately that was the link went to the ...