Last year Jonathon started to work with Betabrand on a design that he had drawn up years before: a hooded suit jacket.
Betabrand is a San Francisco startup that has a ThinkTank which allows designers to submit their designs to be voted on. Once your design gets so many votes, Betabrand will create a prototype and allow people to pre-order (similar to Kickstarter or Threadless). Once the design’s pre-order hits the goal, Betabrand will manufacture and ship this design out to their supporters.
Jonathon’s Corporate Raider Jacket performed *really* well through the ThinkTank process, and he was so excited!
Just before we received the jacket to see in person, Betabrand showed it off to Jonathon via a Google Hangout, that happened to be filmed for an add showcasing Google Apps! That was months ago, and the video was finally released. His jacket was featured throughout the whole video (with a cameo featuring Jonathon as well):
Watch the full video:
Isn’t that awesome!?
After that video was made, Betabrand shipped the jacket to Jonathon so we could take some photos of him wearing it around town. It was a blast finding locations around Boulder that would show off the jacket, and if you look through the photos on Betabrand’s website, you’ll likely recognize many of them.
It is now a few months later, and Jonathon just received word that his jacket is about to ship to backers! If you pre-ordered, we can’t wait to hear what you think of it! Haven’t ordered? You can still place an order on Betabrand’s website!
Ever have an idea of a piece of clothing and not sure how to bring it to market? I suggest looking into Betabrand as Jonathon as enjoyed working with them this year to bring the Corporate Blazer to life.
October 15, 2014
This is SO cool!