
By Wednesday, September 12, 2012 0 Permalink 0

Pretty recently we had the opportunity (thanks to some of our favorite people in the scene) to attend the annual SummerGrind Music Festival. While I know that we are labeled as “indie bitches”, I’ve always tended to be more of a punk rock bitch. The second that I heard that Leftover Crack, Orphans, Elway, and Potato Pirates were all going to be at the same venue in one day, in the sun, where I was able to get both BBQ and beer – I was first to sign up. Bands like these are by no means for the soft-hearted, they’re practically what get me going every morning when I’m trying to convince myself to be awake in those small seconds right before I enjoy my couple of pots of coffee ( I know, I’m bound to end up like Dave Grohl in Fresh Pots, I’ve heard it already). SummerGrind was an incredibly well put together event – the crowd was huge, the sound was on point, and I only managed to see several cops show up at one occassion for an extremely drunk male that was hanging out on the sidewalk. Overall the event was a huge success and I genuinely hope that if we ever find the time and funds to throw a music event of our own with Denver bands across the board, I want it to draw a crowd like the one at The Gothic and Moe’s for Summergrind. Everyone was more than pleased with the event itself, you could stand just about anywhere in the huge mass and still hear crystal clear Ska and Punk music without any problem. I’m pretty sure that I was the only person on the block not wearing a Black Flag shirt or some form of black clothing but the crowds at the types of events like Summergrind make you feel like you’re at home regardless. We owe a huge thanks to Danny Sax and Chrissy Greco for giving us such a great opportunity to experience the other side of Denver Music (the non-indie side), are extremely thankful to be a part of this scene. We’re really looking forward to going back to The Gothic and Moe’s in the near future – especially for  Bop Skizzum’s CD release w/ Rachel and The Kings, In The Whale, and Rebel Tongue on October 6th, along with Unwritten Law in November, who we haven’t seen since last year at The Aggie. Make sure you check out The Gothic at for schedules online or even in this week’s Westword on pg. 42. See you soon!

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