Recent Posts by Monika

Flavor Tripping and the Miracle Fruit

By Thursday, February 24, 2011 3 Permalink 0

I honestly had no idea what to expect when my friend Anna invited me to a party at her house where the theme was to take a pill that was created from some miracle fruit. The miracle fruit somehow reacted with your taste buds and altered how you tasted salty and sour foods. Anna had a bought a smorgasbord of foods ranging from IPA’s, whiskey, tomatoes, lemons, war heads, cheeses, olives and more. When you take the pill you are supposed to let it dissolve on your tongue and come into contact with as many taste buds as possible, which made for some funny faces and quotes: ...

What Music Scene?

By Friday, February 18, 2011 0 Permalink 0

Let's face it, the music scene here in Boulder is, well, lacking. Okay even that is being a too nice. The music scene here sucks. There is no community for bands and artists, and even if there was a small, supportive one, there are no venues to accommodate local bands. When I think of venues in Boulder, I think of the Fox Theatre, Boulder Theater, Club 156 and maybe the Brick House at Lazy Dog. Both the Fox and Boulder theaters are too big for most local artists and likely too expensive to them as well. I have never been to Club 156, and the few times ...

Oops… I got a parking ticket

By Wednesday, February 16, 2011 0 Permalink 0

I am currently trying to get my life in order and organized and unfortunately part of that process is paying bills and past due parking tickets. I have no idea where the actual tickets are, so I found the Boulder Parking website and tried to enter my license plate number hoping it would pull up my ticket(s) (yes there was more than one). But without the citation number, this is as far as I could get: So I did what anyone (in Boulder) would do. I tweeted: The only response I received (besides some retweets) was from Boulder Parking: But unfortunately that was the link went to the ...

Keepstream Review

By Tuesday, February 15, 2011 0 Permalink 0

I use my Twitter favorites more often then not as a 'read later' or 'don't forget to share this with so and so later' more than a 'I love this tweet!' Then I usually forget to go back and read the article or share the photos with anyone. I favorite tweets for different reasons, think it will be useful at work, it is about a band I like, I want to share it with someone etc. There are different reasons that I try to keep straight in my head, but I sometimes forget why I marked a tweet or article. Earlier today I read an article ...

End of an Era

By Tuesday, February 15, 2011 1 Permalink 0

I have no idea what to expect when Tickle Me Pink takes the stage for the last time on March 5th, but I expect the crowd will be full of friends, there will be plenty of shots (Jagermeister and tequila), lots of hugs, hours of music and hopefully only a few tears. Either way, I am certain that the night of March 5th will mark the end of an era that I am very proud to say I have been a part of since the beginning.