Recent Posts by Monika

Hot Wild Girls – Doritos Crash the Superbowl Video

By Friday, January 27, 2012 0 Permalink 0

There are only a few days left to go vote for the video Hot Wild Girls in the Dorito's Crash the Superbowl campaign! This video was created by Denver's own Brad Scott (who has done work with Tickle Me Pink, which is how I met him). Brandon from My Body Sings Electric (and Dirty Rotten Rhymers) even wrote a catchy song to go get you to vote: Confused because you haven't seen the video yet? NOW GO VOTE! Let's show the world what great talent we have here in Denver!

It’s the little things…

By Thursday, December 29, 2011 0 Permalink 0

...that make me happy. When listening to Jimmy Eat World this morning I clicked on similar artists, and there was Tickle Me Pink!! I was so excited to see them listed with such great artists. var _qevents = _qevents || []; (function() { var elem = document.createElement('script'); elem.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://secure" : "http://edge") + ""; elem.async = true; elem.type = "text/javascript"; var scpt = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); scpt.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, scpt); })(); _qevents.push({ qacct:"p-22mpDezYQm3aQ" }); (more…)

New New Twitter – Things I Actually Like!

By Wednesday, December 14, 2011 0 Permalink 0

So, it is clear that there are some things I really dislike about this new new Twitter (*ahem* usernames *ahem*), but I have found a few things I actually like! My cousin asked me the other day if there was a good way to see replies to a given tweet (I had asked Twitter a question, and she wanted to know the answer). I told her there wasn't, except to search for @Sativabella and look at responses. Now there is an easy way! In your stream, click on a tweet, and if there is a response, you will see it pop up below the tweet: Pretty nifty, right? ...

Hometown for the Holidays 2011 Top 12 Bands!

By Wednesday, December 7, 2011 1 Permalink 0

Well I didn't do too bad with my picks for Hometown this year! Here are the Top 12: The Heyday My Body Sings Electric Beats Noir Saints Monroe Monroe Eldren Reno Divorce Fierce Bad Rabbit Swayback Churchill The Photo Atlas In The Whale Hear Alf read all the winners here: Yes, Kaila and I were a bit excited about who got in. Now, DO NOT forget to sign up for the surveys! You have until Friday at 5:00 PM. Who do you think will make it into the top 3?

Hometown for the Holidays 2011 Top 12 Bands

By Wednesday, December 7, 2011 0 Permalink 0

Well I didn't do too bad with my picks for Hometown this year! Here are the Top 12: The Heyday My Body Sings Electric Beats Noir Saints Monroe Monroe Eldren Reno Divorce Fierce Bad Rabbit Swayback Churchill The Photo Atlas In The Whale Hear Alf read all the winners here: Yes, Kaila and I were a bit excited about who got in. Now, DO NOT forget to sign up for the surveys! You have until Friday at 5:00 PM. Who do you think will make it into the top 3?

Want to influence the radio and support local music?

By Sunday, December 4, 2011 0 Permalink 0

No, this is not a gimmick, this is for real. If the answer is yes, then you better sign up for KTCL 93.3's music surveys...NOW! Hometown for the Holidays Music Survey What will signing up do? Well it will make you eligible to vote in the 2011 Hometown for the Holidays contest!! This is something that KTCL has been doing since 2006 to help support local bands. Past participants include Tickle Me Pink, Churchill, The Heyday, Epilogues, Air Dubai and My Body Sings Electric! Twelve bands will be played on 93.3 for the next few weeks, and after YOU vote, the top 3 will be playing a show ...

Hometown for the Holidays 2011

By Sunday, December 4, 2011 1 Permalink 0

Christmas has arrived early for me this year! And no, I am not talking about my new car (although that is a great Christmas gift. Thanks Mom and Dad!). Next week is the week that I will be listening to KTCL 93.3 as many hours of the day as possible. Why? Because it is Hometown for the Holidays!! You've never heard of Hometown for the Holidays (HTFTH)? Well, if you live in Denver and care about local music as much as me (or even just a little bit), then you have to join me and support 93.3 this week. Each year they hold this contest for local ...

Company of Thieves Cover Tom Petty

By Monday, November 14, 2011 0 Permalink 0

Seriously, to all of you that were not at this show last week at the Marquis Theatre (and this is directed to just about everyone I know because there were NOT enough people there), you missed a fantastic show! Opening for Company of Thieves was Popcult (seriously awesome local band), but of course COT stole the show. Genevieve Schatz is an amazing performer who captivates the audience the moment she got on stage in her sparkling dress. Not only does she know how to dance, but her voice is incredible. Don't believe me? Watch the video below, where she covers Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down:" And Oscar ...

A New Giggety-Gig(gety)

By Monday, October 24, 2011 1 Permalink 0

So, some of you already know this, but in case you have not heard, I have a new full time gig! Last week was my first week being a full-time employee of BlogFrog! For the past month, I have worked with BlogFrog as a contractor, and after my contract was up, they offered me a permanent position! What exactly is BlogFrog? This isn't the easiest thing to explain in a few words, so I will borrow some words from a recent writeup from The Next Web on what BlogFrog is: There are literally millions of blogs around the Internet, many with similar interests, feel and audiences, and yet there’s ...