My last live video chat was with Huffington Post about No ‘Poo, and was a little more stressful than my chat yesterday with Juan, but I think I’m getting the hang of it!
Juan, SomeAudioGuy and SomeGadgetGuy online, and I met at the magical FireFly Music Festival a few weeks ago and hit it off immediately! Mainly because we tweeted pre-festival about bringing ear plugs. Easy to get along with someone else who wants to protect their ears!
We were going to do a video interview at FireFly, but ran out of time as we were running around trying to see all of the bands. So instead we decided to do a Google Hangout after we got home, showered and caught up on some much needed sleep.
While we talked a lot about Noiselace and how I came up with the idea and that my mom was the genius behind the magnet, we also talked about life and the fact that I’m Paleo while Juan is Vegan and don’t wash my hair (which was a blessing during FireFly). See the full interview here and let me know what you think!
Now that I’m getting the hang of these video chats, I think I need to do more! Maybe I’ll get Juan to show me the ropes and will do some more fun interviews with friends in the coming months.
P.S. This is my fancy, shmancy set up for video interviews (shout out to Amazon, StitchFix and Whimseybox for helping prop up my laptop):