After reading through my conversation with Jason at least 3 times in the past few days, I am so grateful that I will always have access to our messages. I can look back at our texts and will forever be reminded about his biggest message to me: “smile.” Jason always told me he loved my smile. He was the person who could always text me and make me smile.
About: Monika
Recent Posts by Monika
Yay! Good Customer Service
It makes me happy that companies today not only take customer service seriously but also follow through until the issue is resolved (looking at you AT&T and and Comcast).
Should I Remove This Video?
UPDATE: Thank you for the response! I did end up removing this YouTube video after reading your comments and chatting with a few other people. Thank you for your input! I have a ethical/moral question regarding a video that I took of a band during a concert (no, the band is not in the photo below). At the concerts that I attend, I always have my iPhone (and/or camera) in hand, ready to capture whatever may happen on stage (what can I say, I like to document my life). Most of these videos have been posted to my YouTube page. Some get more views than others, but ...
Don’t Call It A Resolution
I read a lot of books. Rather I used to read a lot of books. You can ask my parents, I was the kid that would always have a book with me: at the dinner table, while watching tv, in the car. I even had a book light so I could continue reading as we were driving home, from wherever.
In the past couple of years the books I used to carry around have been replaced by my smart phones and the literature now consists of blogs, tweets and Facebook
I Hope This Gets To You
Not only is the concept behind this video awesome (a guy is trying to prove to his long distance girlfriend that despite the distance, they can still be close through the social web) but the song is catchy and the video is fun to watch.
The Graduate – “Don’t Die Digging”
One of my latest musical obsessions is the band The Graduate. My friend Matt introduced them to me over a year ago, and I just recently saw them open for Ludo. They just came out with the following video for their new song "Don't Die Digging." After watching this video I could not get this song out of my head! This song is on their new CD Only Every Time which I highly recommend purchasing. The making of:
Monikon Shadfest 2010
Come help Shad and me celebrate our double birthday bash on Saturday, November 20th starting at the Boulder Drafthouse at 8pm. We will likely bar hop our way down Pearl Street for the rest of the evening. Hope to see you all there! And yes, we do have our very own poster for the event. #geeks
Find out where to vote!
Yesterday I was having such a hard time using’s website and trying to figure out where to go to vote, but luckily I stumbled on this map from Google. All you have to do is enter in the address where you are registered and it will return a map showing you exactly where to go on November 2nd. Hopefully this will help others and encourage you all to go out and vote this year!
Crafty Sunday Afternoon
While my dad and I were at the Bowling Ball on Saturday night, my mom stayed home to watch my brother's puppy, Drake. She stumbled across Bakerella, who recently wrote a book about her famous cake pops. My mom decided that we would attempt to make our own on Sunday, they looked so yummy and easy to make! The directions seemed simple enough; first you have to bake a cake. Then crumble it up and mix it with frosting (the get your hands dirty part): After that you have to make them into small balls, which is a lot harder than it sounds. We also made ours WAY ...
Calling All Musicians!
Are you in a local band? Want to be in a band but have a billion questions on logistics; where to start; legal ramifications? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you should come to the first ever FoCoMA: ProDev, a professional development series for musicians in Northern Colorado (and beyond).
Recent Comments by Monika
- June 23, 2015 on Stitch Fix Box Number Twelve
- April 7, 2015 on A Sports Bra That Fits – FINALLY!
- February 9, 2015 on My Thoughts on the Stitch Fix / Nordstrom Rack Debacle
- November 12, 2014 on FitBit Force versus Jawbone Up24
- September 25, 2014 on My Thoughts on the Stitch Fix / Nordstrom Rack Debacle