Surprisingly there seem to be many people out there that did not know that you could have Twitter send you a text (sms) message to your phone when specific people Twitter. I have had this feature turned on for quite some time and I love it. I also have unlimited text messaging on my iPhone so I do not have to worry about going over my limit. To start you need to add your phone number to your Twitter account. After you are logged in on the web go to the Settings tab, then click on Mobile. After you have added your phone number, you can then ...
Farmville has gone from being a fun, addictive, creative time management game on Facebook to becoming spam. I would not even call it a game anymore.
Another reason to love my iPhone camera
Last week I went down to Denver to see my brother play the drums with a local band Life in Electric. Since it was my brother (and since I do this at every single show I go to) I was taking pictures with my iPhone and my Sony DSC-N2. The strobe lights were flashing, the fog machine was running, which all equated to one thing - my brother (being the drummer) was not visable. :( Flash didn't help as it illuminated the fog, no flash didn't work because he moves around so much. Instead I discovered how much fun taking iPhone pictures with a strobe light ...