After reading through my conversation with Jason at least 3 times in the past few days, I am so grateful that I will always have access to our messages. I can look back at our texts and will forever be reminded about his biggest message to me: “smile.” Jason always told me he loved my smile. He was the person who could always text me and make me smile.
Find out where to vote!
Yesterday I was having such a hard time using’s website and trying to figure out where to go to vote, but luckily I stumbled on this map from Google. All you have to do is enter in the address where you are registered and it will return a map showing you exactly where to go on November 2nd. Hopefully this will help others and encourage you all to go out and vote this year!
Crafty Sunday Afternoon
While my dad and I were at the Bowling Ball on Saturday night, my mom stayed home to watch my brother's puppy, Drake. She stumbled across Bakerella, who recently wrote a book about her famous cake pops. My mom decided that we would attempt to make our own on Sunday, they looked so yummy and easy to make! The directions seemed simple enough; first you have to bake a cake. Then crumble it up and mix it with frosting (the get your hands dirty part): After that you have to make them into small balls, which is a lot harder than it sounds. We also made ours WAY ...
My weekend: setting up an online store for Tickle Me Pink
Recently I have taken over the task of helping out my brother's band, Tickle Me Pink, with the huge task of opening their own online marketplace to sell their merchandise to fans all over the US. Despite the fact that I work for an e-commerce website (, starting a new store from scratch is a ton of work! While I have been researching different platforms over the past few weeks that offer easy back-end systems that allow you to sell products online, it was not until this weekend that I decided on which one we were going to use, Originally I wanted to use, but after ...
Adding alerts for specific contacts on a Blackberry
I recently traded in my 6 month old Palm Pre for the new Blackberry Tour. The Pre just did not stand up to my standards of a smart phone and became too slow for me to use for anything (I came to loathe that phone so quickly). Before the Pre I had the older World Blackberry 8830, so I knew that I could count on it to do what I needed (email, texts, aim, gchat, twitter and phone calls) without slowing the whole phone down. It took me a few weeks to get all of the alerts back to what they were on my old Blackberry because ...
How to turn on Twitter Text Messages
Surprisingly there seem to be many people out there that did not know that you could have Twitter send you a text (sms) message to your phone when specific people Twitter. I have had this feature turned on for quite some time and I love it. I also have unlimited text messaging on my iPhone so I do not have to worry about going over my limit. To start you need to add your phone number to your Twitter account. After you are logged in on the web go to the Settings tab, then click on Mobile. After you have added your phone number, you can then ...